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  • Judith holds a Bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Mount Kenya University, Kenya. Her professional experience covers drug supply chain, inventory management, offering quality pharmaceutical care, monitoring and evaluation and research. She has additional experience in public health policy where she worked at the Ministry of Health and was part of the team that developed the 1st National health products and technology supply chain strategy 2020-2025. Her recent experience was in research with a focus on Antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

    At EPN, Judith has been involved in proposal writing of a majority of EPNs current projects, implementation of health projects as well as being involved in research activities. She has been the coordinator of AMR stewardship activities, Ecumenical Scholarship programme, Drug Supply Organization (DSO) mentorship sessions and EPN’s online training platform as well as providing liaison with Ministry of Health, Kenya.

    Currently, she is leading the pharmaceutical systems strengthening programme with the main focus of improving pharmaceutical service delivery in the EPN member health facilities.

    Judith is passionate about quality assurance and believes that every patient has a right to safe, effective and quality pharmaceutical services. In addition, she has key interest in health information systems and in her view quality data is key for accurate decision making.

    Other Secretariat Members

    James Mireri
    Senior, Finance & Administration Officer
    Judith Asin
    Pharmaceutical Systems Strengthening Program Officer
    Lilian Ngaruiya
    Capacity Building Program Officer
    Mugambi Mbaya
    Supply Chain Officer
    Hillary Munene
    Monitoring And Evaluation Officer
    Diana Ogutu
    EACPP Project Lead
    Irene Tindi
    Administrative Assistant
    Our Staff & Board
    Judith Asin

    Judith Asin

    Pharmaceutical Systems Strengthening Program Officer