Creation of AMR Awareness through Child-to-Child Methodology in Kenyan Schools

Working with Action in the Community Environment in Africa (Ace Africa) and the Child-to-Child stakeholders in Siaya and Kisumu counties, EPN and ReAct Africa initiated a pilot project aimed at raising awareness among children on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). This is an early intervention strategy in addressing AMR adopted from ReAct Latin America’s Alforja Educative tool and their support. The Alforja Educativa (Alforja – Spanish term meaning a small knapsack that is used to contain essential elements necessary to sustain travellers during their journeys) is a compilation of activity guides, storybooks, songs and videos for children. Following the translation of the tool into English language in 2017, the team proposed the need to adapt it to other contexts through a pilot training and validation project in Africa.

The project uses the Child-to-Child methodology and is divided into 2 phases;
1. Phase 1: Adaptation of the Educativa Alforja to the Kenyan context and
2. Phase 2: Implementation and evaluation of the project (to be completed in 2019)

Phase 1 was completed in 2018 following a series of three consultative meetings involving 27 stakeholders from the Ministries of Health, Education, Environment and Agriculture in Kisumu and Siaya counties, the draft version of the adapted tool was finalized in the 3rd meeting on 31st October 2018, in Kisumu.