Andreas studied pharmacy at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg in the South West of Germany. After his internship he worked at a retail pharmacy and started a Ph.D. study at the University of Freiburg in the department of pharmaceutical technology combined with clinical pharmacology at the Herz-Zentrum in Bad Krozingen.
Upon finishing his Ph.D. he went to Oshakati, Namibia, to serve as a hospital pharmacist and trainer as a volunteer worker for the German Development Aid. He returned to Germany after 2.5 years to work at the hospital pharmacy of the University Heidelberg where he also qualified as a clinical pharmacist. There he built up a central cytotoxic service for the hospital.
After 4.5 years he moved to Dachau close to Munich to lead the hospital pharmacy of the regional hospital in Dachau. After just 2 years he changed to HEXAL/Sandoz a generic company south of Munich to serve for more than 10 years in various functions in the medical, project management and drug regulatory affairs departments.
In 2012 he moved to Kenya to work as a program officer at the EPN secretariat in Nairobi for three years, seconded by Evangelischen Entwicklungsdienst. He returned to Munich in 2015 and took over the position of the general manager at the small aid organization Apotheker Helfen e.V./German Pharmacists’ Aid till the end of 2024. Since then, he has been supporting the organization as a volunteer in projects and public relations.
His special interest is strengthen pharmaceutical knowledge through modern training methods including new media. Christian values are perfect basis to strive for better health services and especially improving the access to medicines.