Well equipped and trained healthcare providers remain the backbone of effective healthcare delivery. Through Access project, EPN conducted trainings for selected healthcare workers from EPN member health facility to equip them with knowledge and skills to address challenges surrounding infection, prevention and control (IPC), antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and medicine supply chain management (MTC) in their health facilities. In addition, the project also champions for the formation of technical committees focusing on IPC, AMS and MTC/DTC.
During the first week of September, EPN, led by program officer Judith Asin in collaboration with member Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL) conducted support supervision visits in seven health facilities in Lesotho to evaluate implementation of the action plans by the champions as well as provide technical assistance and guidance. These facilities included: Seboche hospital, St. Barnabas, St. Leo, Scott hospital, Matukeng hospital, St. Joseph and St. Monica hospital.
The visits also involved engagement sessions with the healthcare workers (champions) in which best practices and success stories were shared reflecting the impact of the training. It was encouraging to get positive feedback on from the health care workers regarding the impact of the technical committees in their facilities