EPN has a new strategic plan in which it envisions to on meeting the needs of members, especially the needs of those members that are in the bottom 25% in terms of the capacity and performance of their pharmaceutical systems. Implementing the Access project is among the strategies of ensuring that the vision is met.

The project aims to support health facilities in the focus countries to provide their patients more effective pharmaceutical services, responding in particular to non-communicable diseases (diabetes), infectious diseases (HIV) and mother and child health through improved access to quality-assured essential medicines and appropriate use to maximize outcomes.

The project also targets to engage with religious leaders and furnish them with an updated version of the HIV treatment literacy guideline  which is meant to help them understand HIV, antiretroviral (ARV) regimens, and the importance of adherence to HIV care and treatment, as well as applying scriptures so that they can resonate with the document

Implementing partners: Christian Health Association of Kenya (CHAK), Christian Health Association of Zambia (CHAZ), CBC , Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHALe),  Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC), International Network of Religious Leaders Living With Or Personally Affected By HIV (INERELA+) Kenya.

Countries: Kenya, Lesotho, Cameroon, Tanzania and  Zambia



Championing for the formation of healthcare facility technical committees