Subscribe to Netlink newsletter

Netlink is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter that provides a sharing platform for all EPN members to publish their experiences within the faith-based healthcare sector. Mainly “story telling” on achievements, project status updates, lessons, research, appointments, etc. Its purpose is to keep EPN members in touch and updated on what is going on within the Network.

Netlink addresses any topical issue or activities within the network. Subscription to this newsletter is open to all interested parties. Read this newsletter here.

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Subscribe to e-Pharmalink newsletter

e-Pharmalink is a bi-monthly electronic newsletter that provides health professionals with current information that could support them in their efforts to provide effective and efficient services. It is a summary of news reported by a wide range of technical and scientific publications or organizations and includes web links to the original sources.

The publication is intended for all stakeholders within the health system. Subscription to this newsletter is open to all interested parties. Read this newsletter here.

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