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  • Member Engagement

    Engaging members fully and making their benefits known to them

    Our strength is in our membership. EPN engages members to take full advantage of their membership by educating them about these benefits, and showing them how to access these benefits.

    EPN expands its membership in effort to increase its service reach, and support member organization pharmaceutical staff to implement guidelines for effective and efficient pharmaceutical services and to help promote the vision of EPN.

    Church organizations and managers of church health associations and institutions are usually aware of the need to buy medicines for patients and the problems when medicines are not available. However, they are not always familiar with the technical aspects and what it takes to prevent these problems and how to put an efficient pharmaceutical system in place as well as how to develop an efficient medicine supply chain. This program addresses the need to engage all church leaders in EPN’s efforts.


    From the Annual General Meeting 2023 and the upcoming EPN Forum 2024